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Copy Projects


Developed the Advising Hub for UNC by designing, building, and writing all the copy across multiple webpages.

Guest Blog for the Center for Teaching and Learning at UNC

Provided advice for faculty around purpose-driven academic advising.

Man Typing on a Laptop

Active Lifestyles Columnist

I wrote a weekly 500-word column for the Colorado State University paper, the Collegian, during the Fall of 2016.

Screencast Guide

I developed a guide for professors with CSU Online to successfully capture screen content for their lectures.

Tidy Desk

Snapchat Employee Manual

I created the user manual for GoAbroad as part of my Snapchat launch for the company.

Health and Fitness Blog

As a personal project, I blogged about health and nutrition with my husband. This project required photography, writing, web design to encourage ~100 followers in meeting their health goals.

White Tiles.jpg

Creating an Info-graphic

As an example for my class, I created an info-graphic based on Fort Collins natural land information. I asked my students to create graphics in Canva for an activity.


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